Saturday, November 26, 2016


A teenager posing for a picture with a cool teen goatee beard with thin mustache

Teenage beard styles

Growing a beard as a teenager is not easy as most guys grow thin hair on some parts of their face but not others.

It’s a bit tricky to find a teenage beard style that looks cool and matches the thin patchy facial hair a teenager has.

There are actually many cool teenage beard styles to choose from, and today I’ve chosen for you the goatee which is much known among most people not just teenagers.

The goatee as a beard style for teenagers has many pros, like being trendy which all teen beards should look like and it doesn’t need a full thick beard to look nice.

There are plenty of cool goatee styles to choose from, some are more known than others.

The regular goatee

This teenage beard style is for teens with very patchy beard

This is one of the most notorious beard styles there is along with the regular full beard, a beard style with hair on the chin but not the cheeks. But it has become a general term to refer to any style with hair on the chin but not on the cheeks, including those with incorporated mustaches.

This beard style is great for teenage beard, since growing a beard as a teenager starts with hair growing on the mustache and lower chin area before it grows on the sideburns and other parts of the face.

Adopting this beard style is great since even thin hair on the chin works just fine and the curves of the chin make it difficult to notice if the beard is thick or patchy it just goes with the whole shape of the head and it’s a beard style that goes just fine with almost every head shape.

It is also very popular among celebrities and young stars and that’s of course what a typical teenager is looking for, something trendy and modern that goes well with his head shape and covers his patchy beard.

Goatee with thick mustache

This teenage beard style is for teens with thick beards but patchy hair on the sideburns

Every boy with mustache is thinking the same thing, should i shave my mustache? Well the mustache grows first and can be embarrassing but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep it later on with some chin hair that doesn’t take long to grow after.

Teens with thick moustache could keep it and have a great looking goatee that looks cool and young, forget the idea of a moustache and thinking about a 70s movie, now the moustache is back with a twist.

This teenage beard style is more for those who have a well established beard but patchy hair on the cheeks and sideburns, so shaving the rest gives the impression that you do have an epic beard but keeping only the goatee.

People will concentrate on the hair around the lips and you actually could play around with it and only keep those thick full areas as not all teenagers will have the thick hair down on the chin but some parts do.

Goatee with thin mustache

The is teenage beard style is for teens with very patchy beards and thin facial hair

This teenage beard style is actually for teens with very patchy beards and very thin facial hair, the beard is shaved and they keep a small goatee on the lower part of the chin that way the hair gives the impression to be thicker (no one will look under your chin), and you trim the mustache and keep it as small as possible that way it looks like a recently shaved beard just growing.

This beard style is perfect for young teens especially those who have very thin hair, this way they get to have a beard and don’t look all patchy, and it actually looks great and cool.

There are many goatee beard styles but the three listed above are the ones that matches all shapes of heads and the only ones that you can adopt and still look great even with patchy beard.

There are other cool teenage beard styles that you can try though, but the goatee is the one to go to every time.

The goatee is a safe zone for many guys, even grownups and celebrities experiencing late beard growth or patchy beard problems.

Give one of these three beard styles a try and forget about being bullied at school for a patchy beard or a thin mustache.

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